Troy MI roof inspection

Why You Need To Get Your Roof in Troy Michigan Inspected Regularly

Keeping your roof in good shape will protect not just the roof but the home as well. When a roof leak occurs on your home it can damage many areas of the home that seemingly have nothing to do with the roof. Damages to ceilings and walls are common during a roof leak but having a leaking roof can also damage your home furnishings such as televisions and more! Getting a regular roof inspection in Troy Michigan can help to locate problems on your home’s roof and address them before they turn into a roof leak. A roof inspection can also give you peace of mind when the next storm comes crashing into Michigan. We’ll go over some reasons why it’s best to get regular roof inspections on your home’s roof and why you should choose Troy Roofing Pros for that inspection. 

Why You Need To Get Your Roof in Troy Michigan Inspected Regularly

How long has it been since your last roof inspection? Consider all of the storms, season changes and general wear and tear that has gone on since that inspection. While it may not look like there are any problems when looking at it from the ground, when you get up close and really look there can be signs of trouble you would have no idea of otherwise.

Time Sensitive:

Roof issues are immensely important because a small problem can become a huge complication very quickly. The roof has no way of avoiding the elements since it is the home’s first line of defense. So every drop of rain, gust of wind, and debris on the roof all add to the minor problems getting worse in a matter of days. When problems go unfixed it can lead to you paying for a full roof replacement, structural repairs, foundation repairs and mold removal. This can mean thousands of dollars out of pocket to save your home and keep your family safe.

Insurance Coverage Is Specific:

While you may think that your home insurance will cover all the issues caused by your roof’s problems it is important to know your policy. Many insurance companies will not cover a full roof replacement or any additional issues caused by the initial roof issue, but instead just cover the cost of the initial repairs needed. This is because an insurance company holds you accountable for being responsible and timely to get repairs done. Because roofing issues get worse so quickly it is crucial you stay on to of things and not put it off. If you delay the company will hold you responsible for any further damages and you will need to pay out of pocket,

Why You Need To Get Your Roof in Troy Michigan Inspected Regularly

Safety First:

If you have no idea what to look for it is better to get a professional out who knows exactly what things should look like and when things are going wrong. Not only is it better to keep any inexperienced people off the roof so no one falls or gets hurt, but the smallest issues you may not know to look for are easy to find for a professional. They know what a healthy roof looks like and know how to spot tiny issues and look for other problems that could be cause by said issue. Without a professional’s expert eye it can make your home unsafe to be in and affect you health as well if mold starts to grow.


Have Someone You Trust On Call:

If you have an issue it can become a race against the clock to find a good roofer in Troy Michigan to help you before the issue escalates. To guarantee that you have a roof functioning as it should and avoid the frantic phone calls to get a professional out when things go wrong, it is better to look for a roofer when things are still working. This allows you to take your time and really research for a great roofer and you can set up a good repour so if something happens you can get things fixed as smoothly as possible. It is also good to have someone check the roof every few months or between season changes to make sure everything works as it should be.

Call Troy Roofing Pros today to schedule your roof inspection in Troy Michigan at 248-509-8015