What Happen When Wind Damages Your Roofing in Troy Michigan?
Wind can be a major problem for roofing. As the wind picks up so does the chances of your roof becoming damaged. And the older your home’s roof is the more likely it will suffer from wind damage. Wind can damage large portions of the roof and sometimes roof replacement is needed to get the roof back in good working order. Other times a small roof repair can make the roof okay again. Here are some signs that you should look for which can indicate your roofing in Troy Michigan is wind damaged and should be looked at by a qualified roofing contractor.
What Happen When Wind Damages Your Roofing in Troy Michigan?
During the warmer months the likelihood of high winds is almost a given. As the temperatures warm up and fronts come through the area it can make the area much more windy than winter months. During winter however the problem of wind still exists. During winter when temperatures are colder the shingles on your home are more rigid and can be more likely broken if damaged by wind. They simply don’t have enough give to allow them to bend a little. In either case, your roofing can be damaged during any season and each have their own threats to the roof which can damage it by wind.
So how do you know when your roof has become damaged by wind? The answer is a simple roof inspection. Walk around your home and look for signs of damage. Most wind damage can be quite obvious and you won’t need to go on your home’s roof to inspect it. Instead, the entire roof is likely been seen from the ground level. Loss or deterioration of shingles is a sure sign that your property has suffered wind damage. It’s crucial to get your roof professionally checked if you find shingles missing or damaged in your yard. Do you see loose shingles on your roof? Another sign that your roof is suffering from wind damage is the loose shingles.
Obvious Signs of Damage on Shingles
If wind has penetrated your shingles, you can inspect them closely to determine whether they have separated. Dirt and debris can build up, causing damage to the surrounding shingle. The problem can be often fixed quickly. We encourage property owners to not attempt to find signs of separation on their own. If your shingles are lifted in any way chances are they have become damaged by wind. Wind can get under shingles and cause them to lift away from the roof. If they don’t break away from the roof and fall back down into place many times this dirt and debris will get under them and cause them to stick up away from the roof. You should see areas on the roof which have shingles which are not laying flat which is a tell tale sign of this problem.
So Should You Go On the Roof and Check for Problems?
You should not walk around on your home’s roof for any reason. The dangers of falling from a roof can mean severe injury or even death. During winter when there may be snow and ice present the dangers are very high. You should not take the risk of going on your own roof without proper safety equipment and experience. It’s simply not worth the risk. Not only that but you may damage the roof simply by walking on it. A pitched roof with shingles on it is not intended for human traffic. It is only for specialists to climb it and make roof inspections or roof repairs. This is because they have the experience and the equipment necessary to safely walk on it without causing any damage. So just by simply walking on your home’s roof you may damage it even further than it is now.
Get a Roof Inspection From a Professional Roofer
In order to know your roof is in good shape you’ll need to call a professional roofers such as Troy Roofing Pros. We have the experience and knowledge to inspect your roof and make any repairs that may be needed. Give us a call today to learn more and get a free quote on your roofing needs in Troy Michigan.