Top 5 Best Ways To Keep Your Roof in Troy Michigan in Good Shape

Top 5 Best Ways To Keep Your Roof in Troy Michigan in Good Shape

Keeping your roof maintained can be a big task to tackle for years. There’s lots of things you need to take care to ensure your roof is tip-top shape to prevent any damage to your home. The maintenance on your roofing in Troy Michigan is an important factor when it comes to your home, there’s plenty of things you need to look at to make sure all is well with your roof.

Top 5 Best Ways To Keep Your Roof in Troy Michigan in Good Shape

So, what should you look for exactly when maintaining your roof? There’s a good bit of stuff to look out for however today we’ll go over the best ways to be sure you’re doing the best for your roof. Maintaining your roof is an all year around thing you’ll have to tackle. We’re going to go over the top 5 best ways to keep your roof is good shape, showing you what tasks you’re gonna want to prioritize as well. If you follow these steps, then you’ll be on the right path for making your roof stay durable all throughout the years to come.

Roofer in Troy Michigan

Gutter Cleaning

As gutters aren’t your actual roof, they do contribute to helping your roof in a lot of ways. They can also damage your roof though, so maintenance for your gutters are a must. Make sure you keep your gutters clean and get rid of any debris you’ve got clogged in it. Inspecting your gutters regularly to make sure they’re not causing water stains or mildew to your roof due to water backed up under the roof.

Branches Hanging Over Your Roof

Obviously you care about your homes appearance, and want it to look nice. So those trees in your yard brings character to your home. However, the branches hanging over your roof can cause serious damage to your roof and home. You’re gonna want to trim all the branches that hang over your roof to ensure you won’t have any falling branches. This also helps with your gutters not being clogged so much with having those branches trimmed, due to the amount of leaves that fall onto your roof from them. Maintaining your roof isn’t always easy to do, so if you’re not comfortable with trimming the branches, you should consider hiring a professional to get the job done for you. If a storm comes and knocks those branches down, they could easily damage the shingles on your roof or even worse. So make sure you get them trimmed regularly.

Shingle Inspections

One of the most important factors is making sure your shingles look good on your roof. Inspect them regularly to make sure there’s no damaged or even missing shingles on your roof. If you find any damaged or missing shingles, you should get them repaired as soon as possible. You may not think it’s a big deal, but missing shingles can cause lots of problems such as moisture underneath your roof, mildew, mold, and much more.

Cleaning Your Roof

Getting on your roof can be very dangerous, so hiring a local roofing expert is a very smart idea. Cleaning your roof regularly can prevent mildew and algae to spread further. You can use water with bleach to scrub away any mildew and algae off of your roof. Don’t put off cleaning your roof, especially if there’s lots of debris and other objects that can cause issues down the road, costing you lots of money to repair.

Roof Inspections

Getting your roof inspected regularly is going to keep the lifespan to the maximum. Having your roof inspected can show little things that should be repaired, that you could have easily missed by looking over it. Roofs can last for decades, but only with the correct maintenance, so make sure to have your roof inspected to keep the integrity of your roof. Hiring a local roof expert to inspect your roof can give a better result, as they’ll know more of what to look at that could be causing damage to your home.


You love your home, and you want to make sure your home is in tip-top shape. But if your roof fails, it can cause a lot of damage to your home. Maintaining your roof can ensure you’re home is safe from rot, mildew, algae, and much more that could be coming through your ceilings, so keeping your roof up to date can really save your home and your pockets from being empty. If your roof has been damaged be sure to contact Troy Roofing Pros today for a free quote on repairs or replacement.