Roofing in Troy MI

Should You Get A Roof Repair or Roof Replacement in Troy Michigan Answered

Replacing the roof on your home is a tremendous expense that not many people want to take on or have to deal with overall. When you find a couple of problems with your roof, such as numerous leaks, some missing or broken shingles, and other issues that can lead to further problems and maybe even a roof leak, it maybe is a confirmation to invest in new roof installation in Troy Michigan. A question that happens a lot is should you “repair” or “replace” it? It’s a question that isn’t easy or straightforward to answer. There are several factors the homeowner can look at to decide which option is right given their situation. We’ll take a closer look to help you make a more informed decision when it comes to your roof.

Should You Get A Roof Repair or Roof Replacement in Troy Michigan Answered

Some of these questions should you ask yourself to determine if you should replace your roof or repair it as a practical option.

Should You Get A Roof Repair or Roof Replacement in Troy Michigan Answered

 What is The Age of My Roof?

The age of a roof is a significant factor in deciding whether or not you should get roof repair or roof replacement. If a roof is still relatively new and has some life left in it, then repairing is the much better way to go. Nonetheless, if you have a roof that is old and has fallen into a state that no amount of servicing will fix, then replacing it becomes more the optimal choice.

The overall lifespan of a roof is dependent slowly on the type of material that it is constructed from mainly. An example, asphalt shingles are inexpensive, as well as, lightweight and easy to repair. However, they only have a lifespan of up to 15 years for most and a bit higher warranties for better quality shingles. On the other hand, clay or concrete tiles are a lot harder, very durable, and are resistant to any natural hazards. A roof can last up  in lifespan in most cases. If your roof is approaching the age of 15, then it may indeed be high time to replace your roof and start fresh.

If you don’t know just how old your roof is. In most cases, a professional roofer such as Troy Roofing Pros can aid you in figuring out its approximate age. If your roof is in a state of serious disrepair, it may not matter just how old it is, and you will need to get it replaced all the same. Roof repairs will need to be made immediately.

 Is There Any Damage I Can See?  

If a roof requires repair, and a homeowner wants to confirm this, they can visually inspect the home.   It will tell you everything you need to know about what its condition is. The homeowner can start looking out from the curb that is in front of their home. You should look for any locations that are visible where tiles or shingles are either cracked, are damaged in some way, or even missing. These areas are major weak points in your roof’s ability to prevent water intrusion. It is most probably the areas of leaks that could be the culprit for discoloration or signs of water damage on ceilings. A missing tile or any area that has shingle damage can easily be fixed. It usually won’t mandate having a full replacement done. However, many damaged areas and numerous missing or broken materials could signal the structure of your roof has been severely compromised.

After you have checked outside your house thoroughly, you should venture into your attic next, to take a look inside of it. What you can’t view by not looking from the outside will become apparent. Water can do damage to a roof. Some signs that water has intruded include the rotting of wood, mold, and mildew growth. Sunlight coming in through cracks is also another indication of water damage. These are telltale signals that something isn’t right. One or two areas may not be a problem. The presence of large mold colonies, visible cracks, and various leaks indicate that a complete start over and replacement of the roof is required.

The following is what you should do after an inspection of the outside of the home has been done.

What to Do with My Property?

One thing to consider when deciding on what to do with your roof and roof repairs. Will you be planning on selling your property at any time soon? If the answer is yes, there is something that must be taken into mind. There is nothing that can kill a deal or send potential buyers running away fast is if a roof is in bad shape and dire need of replacement. Even if you decide to price the home to sell and leave allowances for roofing repairs, a good many people can shy away from these properties that need a new roof. It is mostly because of the work involved and the fact that other severe damages may be possible in other areas of the home.

Investing in your roof can be the very thing, which can prove to help your property sell faster and get a much higher value for it at the end of the day. The only thing an old roof can do is serve to scare off any promising buyers quickly. A new roof attracts plenty of hopeful buyers in a big way. Homes that advertise that they have a roof that has been a well-maintained display that home was adequately cared for and will likely have no significant problems. For people looking to move into a new property, the reality of not having to invest in anything costly such as a new roof is an enormous benefit. Therefore, if you plan on selling your home, do consider investing in your roof. You may even be able to earn the values of the Roof Repairs made back by just the increase in your home’s overall value!

Is your roof in a bad state and needs to be repaired or replaced? If the answer is yes, trust the roofing professionals from Troy Roofing Pros to make it happen. You can call us up today at 248-509-8015 to book an inspection to be done.