How To Keep Your Roof in Troy Michigan In Good Shape All Year Long

When it comes to the roof on your home an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure is something you should really think about. Dealing with small problems on your home’s roof can help to prevent large problems from occurring. The best way to deal with any problems on your roof is to regularly maintain the roofing on your home. By doing a simple roof inspection on your roof you can find problems before they turn into expensive roof repairs in Troy Michigan.

How To Keep Your Roof in Troy Michigan In Good Shape All Year Long

While it’s not advised that you climb on your home’s roof to make an inspection you can view most of the roof from the ground level. Going on your roof is dangerous and you may damage the roofing simply by walking on it wrong. If you need to inspect specific areas of the roof be sure to use binoculars to see better or you can also use a drone with video capabilities to view that area. Here are some tips to properly maintain the roof and avoid expensive roof problems.

How To Keep Your Roof in Troy Michigan In Good Shape All Year Long

Your roof is such a vital part of your home and its ability to keep out the elements. But even the best roof can face problems. To help keep your roof in the best possible shape, it is important to keep up on regular maintenance and adjust to your roof’s needs as the seasons change.

Keep Gutters Clear

Gutters are a crucial part of your roofing system because they divert water away from your home. If gutters are allowed to back up, the water can overflow and sit on your roof. In winter this water can also freeze and create ice dams. This can mean damaged shingles, roof leaks and water damage inside your home.

Trim Nearby Trees

If trees close to your home are not properly trimmed, you can experience a wide variety of problems. From branches digging into your roof to impact damage, there is a lot of ways that you can end up with costly roof issues. But leaves provide a large risk as well, allowing moisture to sit on your roof and work its way into your home. This means you need to limit the risk by keeping trees trimmed back.

Remove Any Debris

Whether it is falling leaves, snow or anything else that may end up on your roof, you should always remove anything from sitting and potentially holding moisture. From roof rakes to having a professional manually remove them, you should always try to remove debris as soon as possible.

Install Necessary Features

The best way to prevent problems is to be proactive. This includes choosing materials suited for your climate, as well as utilizing features like flashings, fascia board, and vapor barriers.

Check Your Insulation and Ventilation

Insulation and ventilation both need to be present in order to keep your roof healthy year- round. Ventilation allows air to flow and prevent too much heat from building up. It also helps dry out any moisture that may get in. Insulation creates a greater barrier between the interior and exterior of your home, making it easier to regulate your home’s temperature. By making sure these two features are where they need to be, you can better prevent damage and keep your roof and attic better regulated all year long.

Do Regular Inspections

By performing regular inspections, you can stay up to date on the condition of your roof and what is going on with it. You can look around your roof, gutters and attic, as well as getting a professional inspection done at least once every three years.

Fix Damage As Soon As Possible

To guarantee your roof does not get any worse, it is crucial that you repair any damage as soon as possible. Because of your roof’s location, damage is hard to protect, making it easy for any issues to escalate. As damage worsens, it can spread throughout your home and cause major problems like structural damage, mold, fire and shock hazards. The longer you leave damage, the worse your roof will be.

If you think there is a problem on your home’s roof in Troy Michigan be sure to call Troy Roofing Pros today at 248-509-8015 for a roof inspection on your home. We’ll take a look and discuss any problems with you and give you pricing estimates on repairs or replacement. Call us today to get started!