Does Your Roofing in Troy Michigan Have Enough Insulation?
Insulation is a necessity in any home to help you regulate your home’s temperature. But while you need insulation in your attic, walls, and windows, you may forget to add it to your roofing in Troy Michigan. Roof and attic insulation are not the same thing, and it is important to have both for the best results. To better understand how roof insulation effects your home, you need to look at the different factors that go into it.
Does Your Roofing in Troy Michigan Have Enough Insulation?
Improving the insulation in your is one of the best ways to improve it’s energy efficiency. And if your home has very poor insulation installed you may likely have extremely high energy costs especially during winter and summer months. While most homes do have insulation installed, they may not have enough. One area where insulation is very important is the attic and roofing of your home. But there are differences which we’ll cover below.
Attic vs Roof Insulation
Sadly, roof and attic are often used interchangeably when referring to insulation and ventilation. But these are two very different areas, serving purposes beyond just basic insulation. Attic insulation is lower on your home, while roof insulation is right up against the roof, sometimes even being applied in between the rafters. Attic insulation will help slow the loss of heat through your roof, but will not do the job well enough to prevent complete heat loss, or prevent heat absorption. It is highly recommended that you invest in having both roof and attic insulation, but if your have neither, you should start with insulating your roof.
What Happens Without Roof Insulation?
It isn’t just heat loss you need to worry about when missing roof insulation. There is also an increased risk of roof damage, leading to leaks, which can evolve into moisture damage throughout your home. This is because the heat from the inside of your home can warm the roof itself, and anything on top of it. If you have debris on your roof, the moisture inside of the debris can end up spending more time on your roof than it would with proper insulation.
For example, when you have snow on your roof, the heat from your home will rise and can melt the snow. When temperatures are cold enough outside, the melted snow can then freeze, forming ice dams on your roof. This can damage your roof’s coverings, especially shingles, and can cause openings for moisture to get into your roof. Once there is a leak, the heat from your roof will continue to melt the snow, but also allow it to come into your home. This can lead to mold, structural damage, and very expensive repair costs. Insurance companies can also choose to disclaim if you knowingly have no roofing insulation, but no nothing to help prevent these issues.
Types of Roof Insulation
When it comes to insulating your roof, you may think that you can just use the same thing that is in your attic. But your roof has specific needs, making it best to skip the basic foam insulation, and go with something specifically for roofs. This includes bulk insulation and a reflective foil. The reflective foil is used to deflect heat that has been absorbed through your roof before it can make it any further. Bulk insulation is going to create your barrier, preventing heat from transferring from either side. You can get bulk insulation in loose-fill, board, blanket, or batts. Each have their own pros and cons, and work better in some roof types over others.
Get a Full Inspection to Determine if your Home Has Enough Insulation
Don’t know if your home is fully insulated and has the right insulation? The best way to determine if your home has the insulation that is needed is to get a full roof inspection on your home. Here at Troy Roofing Pros we offer full roof inspections which can also have us take a look at your home’s roofing and attic insulation as well. Be sure to call us today to set up your inspection. We can also provide a free quote for any repairs if needed. Call us today at (248) 509-8015 for more details.