Are Roofing Inspections Necessary in Troy Michigan

Are Roofing Inspections Necessary in Troy Michigan?

Here at Troy Roofing Pros one of the services we offer are roofing inspections in Troy Michigan and surrounding areas. We can find problems that save people lots of money but some have recently asked if they were really necessary and when should you get a roof inspection. We’ll address those questions in this blog post.

Are Roofing Inspections Necessary?

Roofing inspections can give you an early warning of potential problems of your roof. Problems that, if left alone, could cause all sorts of damage to your roof. Roofing inspections in Troy Michigan and surrounding areas that we offer here at Troy Roofing Pros are designed to help find these problems and get them repaired before they turn into huge disasters.

What Can a Roofing Inspection Reveal?

One common problem that home owners have is vent pipes boots that have cracked. This is very common and can cause your home to leak and you not even be aware of it. Replacing the boot and resealing the pipe is a simple repair but if you don’t have a roofing inspection that simple repair could turn into a need for a new roof. It could also lead to damage to the inside of your home as well as mold growth if left alone long enough.

Are Roofing Inspections Necessary in Troy Michigan

Other problem areas like broken tabs on shingles or damage from storms can cause leaks to your home that may take some time to notice. A roofing inspection can determine how much longer your roof will last as well. Giving you a better idea of what you should do to prepare for a new roof if needed.

When Should You Get a Roof Inspection?

If you’ve never had your roof inspected then the perfect time to get it inspected is now. The roofing experts at Troy Roofing Pros may identify problems with your roof that need to be addressed as soon as possible. Another time is after a storm. Weather can do all sorts of damage to roofs and getting an inspection after a storm could locate problems caused by the storm.

For Shingle Roof Owners

If you notice pieces of shingles in your yard after high winds or a storm then you likely have broken tabs of shingles and you’ll need them repaired. A roofing inspection will be able to locate and repair those problem areas.

For Metal Roof Owners

When the metal on your roof gets damaged it may start to make a noise. When fasteners start to back out it will allow the metal to move which can be heard when the wind blows. You may not be able to hear the noise inside the home however. If you hear a noise like the metal is loose then be sure to get a roofing inspection soon. You may also notice fasteners that may have fallen off the roof. These fasteners may have fell out of the metal and slid down the roof. Finding these fasteners means that parts of your roof isn’t attached and will need to be inspected.

Ready for a Roofing Inspection?

If you’re in the Troy Michigan or surrounding areas we’d love to do a roofing inspection for you. Be sure to get in touch with us today for more information.