Roofing Inspections

Finding problems with your current roof and getting them repaired before they turn into disasters can save you lots of money. At Troy Roofing Pros we offer roofing inspections for commercial buildings and residential homes.

Roofing Inspections at Troy Roofing Pros

Roofing Inspections at Troy Roofing Pros

It’s time to protect your property and getting your roof inspected can help you do just that. Letting Troy Roofing Pros inspect your roof can help you find and identify potential problems associated with your roof. Even a small leak can cause all sorts of damage in your home or business. It can cause damage to walls and ceilings. It can also cause insulation and structural damage if the leak is persistent. You can also experience mold growth in your home or business which can damage your health. Don’t let this happen to your home or business. Get Troy Roofing Pros to inspect your roof and locate any problems before they turn into a disaster.

We’re Committed to Quality Service

We want all or our customers to be satisfied with the work we provide. We offer a full 100% satisfaction guarantee for all of the work we offer. Including roof repairs and inspections. We’ve been voted #1 by previous customers in the Troy Michigan and surrounding areas. We’d love to speak with you about your project and show you exactly what we can do and more. We go the extra mile for our customers making sure they are completely satisfied with the work and service they received.

Experienced, Qualified Experts Will Examine Your Roof

Our staff consists of experts that have a large amount of knowledge in roofing systems. We have decades of combined experience in roofing and we use that knowledge when giving you a roofing inspection. The person who initially inspects you roof will be knowledgeable and capable of performing any repairs.

Are you ready to get a roof inspection for your home or business. Simply fill in the form with some details of your project and we’ll get back in touch with you as soon as possible. If you’d rather speak with a live person we’d love to talk with you too. Call us today for your roofing inspection and more at 248-509-8015